Why use a letting agent?
The main reason landlords use a letting agent is to take the stress out of the everyday management of your property.
It is also useful if you are short of time, find it difficult to keep abreast of all the changing legislation and paperwork, if you are moving abroad, or you want to streamline your lifestyle.
A good letting agent will not only save you time, but money too, and can help minimise the time your property is empty and reduce the risk of taking on tenants with a poor payment history. Letting agents also negotiate higher rents and deal with repairs and property management issues for you.

Tenant Find Only Service
- Attend the property and conduct a full market appraisal
- Recommendations to increase the property’s appeal
- Information and notification of the landlord’s statutory safety duties and obligations
- Effect an extensive and immediate marketing plan to ensure maximum exposure including:
- Good quality photography
- Advertising on all the major property portals
- Contacting prospective tenants on our database
- Displaying a prominent TO LET board
- Accompanied viewings
- Rigorous tenant referencing process to ensure tenant’s financial suitability
- Assistance with Non Resident Landlord (NRL) compliance if required.
Rent Collection Service
Includes all of the Tenant Find Only Service plus
- Prompt payment, within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, of rental income directly into your bank account.
- Clear & concise month rental statements
- Reminders, legal notices and administration service
- Rent arrears administration service
Full Managed Service
Below are some of the services you can expect with our best selling package
All of our Tenant Find and Rent Collection services plus:
- Free tenant deposit registration with the Government controlled Deposit Protection Service (DPS) or the Deposit Replacement Scheme (DRS)
- Out-of-office hours tenant emergency phone number
- Maintenance upkeep and service through our PLI covered contractors
- Information on new legislation
- Landlord and tenant liaison
- Initial 3 monthly property inspections, followed by regular 6 monthly property inspections
- Full inspection reports which will include any legally required repairs and maintenance work etc
- Gas and electrical safety certificate reminders, with renewal by our regular Gas Safety registered engineers if required.
- Tenancy Renewal Reminders
- Rent Protection Cover (where requested) and renewal reminders
Additional Fees & Charges
Additional Fees & Charges shown are all inclusive of VAT @20%
Tenancy Agreement | £240 |
Tenancy Agreement Renewal | £240 |
Inventory Check-in Service | £210 |
Inventory Check-Out Service | £210 |
Rent Protection | from £305 |
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) | £120 (Valid for 10 years) |
Gas Safety Certificate (GSC) | £120 (Valid for 12 months) |
Additional property inspection visits | £60 (2 visits per year are included within our Fully Managed Service) |
Submission of non-resident landlords receipts to HMRC (NRL) | £75 per quarter |
Serving of legal notices, eg; Section 21 or Form 6a | £270 |
Maintenance Arrangement Fee | £60 (Included within our Fully Managed Service) |
Deposit Registration with the DPS or the Deposit Replacement Scheme (DRS) | £99 (Included within our Fully Managed Service) |
Please select the appropriate Bundle below as required:
Silver Bundle
(1 bedroom properties)
- Tenancy Agreement
- Inventory check-in-report
- Unlimited Tenant Referencing
(Previously £84.00 per tenant referenced)
Total £540.00 inclusive of VAT
Gold Bundle
(2 bedroom properties)
- Tenancy Agreement
- Inventory check-in-report
- Unlimited Tenant Referencing
(Previously £84.00 per tenant referenced)
Total £600.00 inclusive of VAT
Platinum Bundle
(3+ bedroom properties)
- Tenancy Agreement
- Inventory check-in-report
- Unlimited Tenant Referencing
(Previously £84.00 per tenant referenced)
Total £660.00 inclusive of VAT.
If you have any questions regarding our fees, please contact a member of our lettings team.
We are pleased to be members of the Money Shield client money protection insurance scheme
Independent redress is provided by the Property Ombudsman Scheme